Toasting to a decade of Digitoonz!

We are proud to arrive at the milestone of completing 10 years of Digitoonz. We celebrated our decade of hard work and success at our annual event on the 3rd of August, 2019. Our theme for the event was ‘Mor Nritya’ or ‘The Dancing Peacock’.
The national bird of India since 1963, the peacock has been a symbol of culture and beauty for a long time. It is famous for its beautiful spread of feathers and is commonly known to show its full glory when it dances in the rain. Its grace is unparalleled and there is nothing as iconic as the display of its full plumage of feathers. The theme fits well for us as the magnificent creature signified the multiple feathers in Digitoonz’s hat on this 10-year milestone and matched with the dance and musical performances that filled the evening.